Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Dear Apple Cider Vinegar

Could you taste a little better.... please?

So for a while now I have friends who have been preaching to me the benefits of apple cider vinegar. But taking shots of vinegar... doesn't sound too great to me. However on my journey to a healthier me, a healthier scalp and a journey to lose these remaining pounds I decided to take a shot at it. So today I purchased Heinz All Natural Unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar (with the 'mother'):
So I am sipping it, in a cup of water. Plugging my nose as I take each drink. I'm sure this will be an acquired taste. But the benefits are astounding:
  • Potassium – helps to prevent brittle teeth, hair loss and runny noses.
  • Pectin – helps to regulate blood pressure and reduce bad cholesterol.
  • Malic Acid – gives ACV the properties of being resistant to viruses, bacteria, and fungus.
  • Calcium – supports strong bones and teeth.
  • Ash – gives ACV its alkaline property which aids your body in maintaining proper pH levels for a healthy alkaline state.
  • Acetic Acid – It appears that this acid slows the digestion of starch which can help to lower the rise in glucose that commonly occurs after meals.
You can also give ACV to your pets! People say adding honey and other things to it help it taste better but I am just going to tough it out for now!

Who else has added Apple Cider Vinegar to their daily diet? Have you seen benefits? Please share them! 

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